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RabbitMQ Gets an HA Upgrade

· 9 min read
Jack Vanlightly

This is the first part of a series on quorum queues, our new replicated queue type. We'll be covering everything from what quorum queues are, to hardware requirements, migration from mirrored queues and best practices.

Introducing Quorum Queues

Mirrored queues, also known as HA queues have been the de facto option for years when requiring extra data safety guarantees for your messages. Quorum queues are the next generation of replicated queue that aim to replace most use cases for mirrored queues and are available from the 3.8 release and onward.

In this blog series we’re going to cover the following:

This Month in RabbitMQ: March 2020 Recap

· 4 min read

Due to the uncertainties of the COVID-19 virus, the RabbitMQ Summit team is canceling the Berlin Summit in June 2020. We do still hope that we can proceed with the plans for a summit in November in New York. Check back for updates.

Among other contributions this month, we have resources on using RabbitMQ successfully in a microservices architecture, why you should use messaging in your project with Rabbit and SpringBoot, and many other tips and tricks. So dive in, the water’s fine! And please stay safe, everyone.

This Month in RabbitMQ, February 2020 Recap

· 5 min read

This Month in RabbitMQ — February 2020 Recap!

RabbitMQ Summit is coming again! This time, the gathering will be in Berlin on June 9 and the call for proposals (to speak at the event) is open until March 22.

Mark your calendars, brush up on your Deutsch, and buy your tickets for the next chance to immerse yourself in all things RabbitMQ. I’m sure there will be at least a couple of RabbitMQ influencers there, too :)

This Month in RabbitMQ, January 2020 Recap

· 5 min read

This Month in RabbitMQ, January 2020 Recap

Introducing TGI RabbitMQ! Inspired by TGI Kubernetes, RabbitMQ engineer, Gerhard Lazu has begun a series of tutorial videos. Tune in at the end of each month for the latest release. In January, Gerhard covered upgrading from 3.7 to 3.8. Star and watch the repository for future episode updates.

Also, be sure to check out the dashboards we’ve published to Grafana. These are a great way to get started with the new Prometheus and Grafana support in 3.8.

This Month in RabbitMQ, December 2019 Recap

· 5 min read

This Month in RabbitMQ — December Recap!

Happy new year! 3.8.x has been available for over three months now and we’re seeing a lot of great uptake. This is good news, since the upgrade process is even easier with the addition of feature flags. Keep up the upgrading!

Over at the CloudAMQP blog, you’ll now find videos transcripts of all the RabbitMQ Summit talks. Those are useful if you didn’t make it to the event and want to know what’s in the talk before watching the full 30 minute replay.

Take a look at Observe and Understand RabbitMQ, for example.

We also published a new case study about LAIKA, the animation company that brought you Coraline, The BoxTrolls, and Missing Link. If you are interested in having your use case for RabbitMQ profiled on, drop a note in the mailing list or email

LAIKA Gets Creative with RabbitMQ As the Animation Company's IT Nervous System

· 5 min read
Dormain Drewitz

Based in Portland, Oregon, LAIKA is a premier stop-motion animation company. With award-winning films like Coraline, ParaNorman, The BoxTrolls, Kubo and the Two Strings, and most recently, Missing Link, LAIKA is recognized for its unique aesthetic. Producing films the way LAIKA does is at the intersection of high-tech and analog.

LAIKA's small IT team is passionate about the animation business. "We support the production, making the movie." explained Mahlon Smith, Senior Technologist at LAIKA. The team is behind the scenes, amongst set carpenters, painters, and film directors. "We enable the production as efficiently as possible. Every dollar saved is a dollar we can apply towards the screen."

This sense of fiscal responsibility steers the team towards reusable technologies. Particularly when it comes to integration. With that frugality in mind, the team began looking at RabbitMQ as far back as 2009. What they've learned from using RabbitMQ over the last six years is how to solve more with a flexible messaging backbone.

This Month in RabbitMQ, November 2019 Recap

· 4 min read

Last month was a big one for the RabbitMQ community because RabbitMQ Summit happened in London! If you missed the event, or if you were at the event, but missed a session in the other track, all the recordings are now available. Also, be sure to check out our overview blog for an easy-to-digest summary of what’s new in RabbitMQ 3.8.

More new 3.8 features and lessons learned will be covered in an upcoming webinar, by RabbitMQ core team member Gerhard Lazu. Tune in on December 12th!

This Month in RabbitMQ: September & October 2019

· 6 min read

This Month (and the month before) in RabbitMQ — October and September recap!

We’re a little behind this month! At the beginning of October, we shipped RabbitMQ 3.8. That’s right, folks, RabbitMQ 3.8 is finally out!

Headline features include:

You’ll find some early reviews from folks in the community who have been kicking the tires in the community updates section below. Make sure you are all over the upgrades best practices to avoid potential hazards of upgrading to RabbitMQ 3.8.

RabbitMQ 3.8 Release Overview

· 6 min read
Jack Vanlightly

RabbitMQ 3.8 has just been released and has some major new features which focus on reliability, operations, and observability.

You can find the new 3.8 release on the GitHub releases page which includes information about what is included in the release as well as various installation assets. See our upgrade guide for more information about upgrading to 3.8.0.

Our team dedicates this release to Joe Armstrong, the creator of Erlang. Joe’s work in the fields of concurrent and distributed systems benefits RabbitMQ to this day. Equally importantly, Joe was a rare example of a brilliant engineer who was also very humble and kind.

Let’s take a quick look at the new features in this release.

This Month in RabbitMQ — September 2019

· 4 min read

Welcome back for another edition of This Month in RabbitMQ! Exciting news is that the first release candidate for RabbitMQ 3.8 is now available!

Be sure to catch up on what is new in 3.8 by reading the release notes and watching this webinar replay.

We are starting to countdown until RabbitMQ Summit in London on November 4. The RabbitMQ team is looking forward to sharing updates on the project, but we’re also looking forward to hearing from end-users like Bloomberg, WeWork, Softonic, and Zalando. Be sure to register and snag a spot in one of the training add-on courses.